Monday 23 May 2011 Launch Party!

Just in time for summer, is a newly launched fashion website offering an exciting, fresh range of vibrant and fashionable clothing that reflects the season.
Excellent quality fabrics, comfortable and stylish designs, the line features ladies maxi dresses, tops and bottoms and knitwear and cool men’s t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies that expresses the feeling behind the 16sixty ethos of relaxed attitude and up front stylish fun.
The summer launch party will be held in June to celebrate the development of our site and expansion of our fashion range.

Editors, Fashion Stylists and other interested parties looking to make contact are able to email to learn more about 16sixty.


  1. Hiya - just started to follow your blog through Google Friend Connect, followed the link from Facebook (Hazel Christopher on Facebook) thought I'd stop by and say hello. x

  2. Also I'm going to start doing reviews on my blog soon so if you want any of your items reviewed then let me know. Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think x

  3. thank you for follow! yeah its nice to have our items reviewed!
    why not you just start to give your opinion first about our service and the items you won (i hope you won some)..Looking Forward to see you!
